Asbath's Arena

How to build a website with Pillar

This tutorial shows how to put into place a personal website using pillar, and automatically deploy it using github pages and travis.

Setting up the environment

This tutorial requires the development version of pillar that can be found in the feature/server-command branch. Clone pillar, check out that branch and then proceed with a normal pillar installation, as displayed in figure 1:

# Clone and build pillar
$ git clone -b feature/server-command
$ cd pillar
$ ./scripts/

# install pillar in your home and update your bashrc
$ mv build ~/.pillar
$ echo 'export PATH="$PATH:~/.pillar"' >> ~/.bashrc 
Clone and Install Pillar

For the following sections, we need to have a GitHub account. So check here if you do not have a GitHub account.

Setup your GitHub repository

Now we are going to create a repository on GitHub for our website. In this part, we are considering two different cases:

  1. You want to set a repository for your personal website as
  2. Or you want to have a website for a project which will be reached via

For both cases, GitHub provides you a service named GitHub Pages which allows you to host free your website. But especially for the second case, you need to have a personal website (by following first case), before hosting another project on your GitHub account.

Both in these cases, creating the repository on GitHub is the same.

For that, we need to follow these steps:

  • In the upper-right corner of any page, click +, and then click New repository as:

New repository
New repository

  • Type a name for your repository.
    1. For personal website you need to named it as
    2. For the second case, you can named it as you want, myProject for example.
  • Optionally, add a description for your repository like "My personal web site"
  • According to informations which will be on your website, you have to chose between "Private" and "Public". Generaly it is public. For private, you need to pay to GitHub.
  • Select Initialize this repository with a README.
  • Add .gitignore by selecting Smalltalk as default language.
  • Now click Create repository.

Your GitHub repository is now created and look like that.

GitHub repository
GitHub repository

Create your pillar website

After the installation, we can proceed to create a new site in a fresh directory. We will install the academic archetype and then run a local server. This should work out of the box in your local machine, however, you will need to change the baseurl setting in the pillar.conf file to correctly render in github pages.

# On a new terminal, so the new bashrc settings are taken
$ git clone && cd myAccount
#Or git clone && cd myProject
$ pillar archetype academic
$ pillar build html
$ pillar serve -w &
Clone and Install academic archetype

Then we will have a skeleton site available on localhost:8080. If you want to change the port, you can use the -p parameter as in:

$ pillar serve -p xxxx -w &
Change port of your server

After these steps, you will get a default website as:

Skeleton website
Skeleton website

Editing your site

We are going fisrt to customize your profile in pillar.conf file.

   "baseurl" : "",
   "profile" : [
			"name": "John Doe",
	 		"avatar": "avatar.png",
     			"post": "Research Engineer",
     			"firm": "Space Laboratory"

#'Basic website meta-data. Used by the different templates to fill-out information and page metas': #comment,
   "site_name": "Personal's Stuff",
Change your profile

This is the default profile of academic archetype. So, you can set your name, choose an avatar, your post, ...

For the naviguation bar of the site, it is managed by a toc.pillar file located at the root of the repository.

Menu inclusion

This is only used to generate the menu by specifying files of your project having at least one heading 1 level title. The toc.html is not used.

Important : Each Pillar has to contain only one H1 title. Indeed this title is automatically taken as the title of the menu representing this page. So all other titles of your page have to be subtitles of the first one. You can define H2 or H3 titles.

Let's create a new page and add it as menu to the navbar.

We can choose to manage Teaching activities of a research professor.

Create teaching.pillar file at the root of your project directory with contents:


!!Teaching at Polytech'Lille
-Test and Maintenance Course - GIS 5th year since 2014-2015 and GIS 5 since 2016-2017
-Subject Programming Course (Java) - GIS 4th year apprenticeship since 2014-2015
-Advanced Database Course - GIS 4th year since 2009-2010
-Data Structures Course - GIS 3rd year 2007-2008 to 2009-2010
-Software Engineering Course - GIS 5th year from 2008-2009 to 2012-2013
-Internship Manager - GIS 4th from 2009-2010 to 2012-2013
-""In charge of end of study projects - GIS 5th"" since 2014-2015

!!Teaching at Paris 1 University
-TD UML (Class, Activity, State, Context, Use Case and Sequence Diagrams), HTML and XML
-TD Introduction to Databases
-Occasional course Initiation to Php and MySQL
-TD Course Modeling Events in REMORA
-Occasional course Integrity constraints in the relational models
Pillar file's example

After this we have to add a new entry in toc.pillar. This will allow us to have Teaching as a new menu in the naviguation bar.

Add a new menu

We can notice that toc.pillar is the file used to declare different menus.

Now you should get a page like that:

New Page
New Page

We have not cover all the syntax of Pillar here. So for more, you can click here.

Publish It on GitHub pages

If you want to host your site on GitHub, GitHub provides a free subdomain for their users. So if you already have a GitHub account named myAccount you can have a site for your project myProject into We can already generate our pillar website automatically by calling pillar, and we can now also deploy our website in GitHub pages using travis. Travis is a continuous integration service that will execute several scripts every time a new commit/branch/pull request is pushed into our repository. This way, on every commit we can build our site and push our html to our website.

Automatic building and hosting of our website is using Travis Continuous Integration. So let's launch to Travis via our GitHub account following this.

We can now activate our GitHub repository in Travis:

Travis activation
Travis activation

This will automatically add travis as a service in your GitHub repository.

As for creating our GitHub repository, we are going to consider the two different cases

For a personal website as

Now we install travis scripts in our directory.

  1. Create a .travis.yml file in the root of your site with the following content
language: smalltalk

    - linux

    - Pharo-6.1

    # Pillar installation
    - git clone .pillar -b dev-7  # Clone pillar
    - cd .pillar && ./scripts/ && cd ..

    - .pillar/build/pillar build html
    - cd _result/html && touch .nojekyll && cd ..

   provider: pages
   target-branch: master
   skip-cleanup: true
   github-token: $GH_TOKEN
   keep-history: true
   local_dir: _result/html
     branch: source
Travis configuration

This script globally download Pillar, build the site from pillar files pushed on source branch and push generated files (located in _result/html) on master GitHub branch. It means we should create master and source branch and only push to source branch.

We are now going to generate a token on Github and add it as an environement variable named GH_TOKEN in Travis

Travis settings
Travis settings

On your project Settings in Travis, you have a menu labelled Environment variables where you can add variables (those variables will be automatically encrypted).

Add Token
Add Token

After all of that, you can commit your changes to GitHub and wait for your website on:

$ git checkout -b source
$ git add .
$ git commit -m "First commit"
$ git push -u origin source
Create source branch and commit on it

For a project

Now we install travis scripts in our directory.

  1. Create a .travis.yml file in the root of your site with the following content
language: smalltalk

    - linux

    - Pharo-6.1

    # Pillar installation
    - git clone .pillar -b dev-7  # Clone pillar
    - cd .pillar && ./scripts/ && cd ..

    - .pillar/build/pillar build html
    - cd _result/html && touch .nojekyll && cd ..

   provider: pages
   skip-cleanup: true
   github-token: $GH_TOKEN
   keep-history: true
   local_dir: _result/html
     branch: master
Travis configuration

This script globally download Pillar, build the site from pillar files pushed on master branch and push generated files (located in _result/html) on gh-pages GitHub branch. It means we should have a default master branch. gh-pages branch will be automatically created by Travis job.

As in the previous case, we are going to generate a token on Github and add it as an environement variable named GH_TOKEN in Travis

In this case, we must change a bite the configuration. So in pillar.conf file, change the baseurl:

   "baseurl": "/myProject",
Change the baseurl

This will make urls start from your project, instead of from your account.

After that, you can commit your changes to GitHub and wait for your website on:

$ git add .
$ git commit -m "First commit"
$ git push -u origin master
Commit your project on master branch

You can now enjoy the continuous integration. Every time you modify a Pillar, commit it on github and you will see your website automatically updated.